Everybody needs to get away once in a while, even if funds are limited. Clarens is a great place for people to spend the weekend and unwind from the daily grind. Many people from all over the country choose Clarens – also known as the jewel of the Free State – to get away, whether it’s for a weekend or a week. And with so many things to do, it’s obvious why it’s a prefered destination.
Clarens is in close range of various attractions and activities such as Golden Gate, Katse Dam, Mont -aux- sources, Afri-ski, Lesotho and many more. Clarens Brewery is one of South Africa’s first Brew-Pub, Cidery and Distillery and the team is passionate about developing new products.
If you prefer spending time in nature then Clarens has the ultimate list of activities for you. With several hiking trails to choose from, you will be more than satisfied with the breathtaking views when surrounded by the Drakensberg mountain range. Other outdoor activities include white river rafting and you have an option to choose from half day or full day and horse riding for the experienced and beginners.
Booking budget self-catering accommodation in Clarens Free State
Getting away for a weekend doesn’t have to set you back copious amounts of money, especially if you book your accommodation with Clarens Eddies. Eddies provide the best self-catering accommodation specials in Clarens. They even received awards from national and international booking sites such as Tripadvisor and Booking.com.
If you desperately want to get away for the weekend, even on a tight budget, Clarens Eddies can make it possible with their affordable self-catering accommodation in Clarens, Free State. Visit their website to check out their current specials, look at the rooms available and make your booking today.