It can be understood that you may have trouble deciding on what to do in Clarens, especially if you only have a weekend handy for a visit to a place as chocka block as Clarens is with activities and adventures.
This is actually the kind of information the staff at Clarens Eddies Self-Catering and B&B will offer freely anyway, but perhaps you want to plan a few of these activities ahead of your arrival, which is why we’re putting this list of things to do right here, just to give you a bit of direction.
Naturally we can’t fit it all in here, there’s just so much of it, but here goes for starters:
Wall climbing
If your kids are making you climb the wall, make them climb it for a change, the real wall that is! Clarens Xtreme has a 6 or 10 meter wall that you can send them up a few times just to make a point, but you can also join them if you’re feeling the need for this kind of strain! Oh, and it’s all outdoors too!
Stunning MTB trails
In case you didn’t already know it, Clarens is mountain biking territory! You’ll have experts on hand to guide you to the best mountain biking trails that’ll suit your idea of a great mountain biking weekend. If you want to take the trail through the Clarens Village Conservancy it’s easy, just buy a ‘Village Conservancy hiking map’, pack your hiking boots away and climb onto those two wheels for an unforgettable ride!
Mountain hikes and walks
If Owner of Clarens Eddies, Dawn Trevelyan, is home on the range, she’ll take you on a guided mountain walk to share her intimate knowledge of the area with you, so it’ll be much more than just a walk in the fresh air.
If she’s not there, you can rely on her team to send you in all the right directions for the walks and hiking trails that lead right from your doorstep.
Remember those drivers that drive you nuts in rush hour traffic, well, here is a great way to take aim at them, without them actually being there! Don your goggles and suit to head out for all the paintball fun you, your friends and your family can handle!
Hot air ballooning
This is one adventure that’ll bring you up close and personal with the sheer beauty of the Clarens valley and the majesty of the Maluti Mountains that surround it. The team at Clarens Eddies will know exactly how to hook you up with the guys that’ll give you a lift-off like you’ve never experienced! They’ll also make sure to remind you that there’ll be a delicious breakfast in the village once you land!
Visit the Basotho Cultural Village
A visit to this traditional Basotho village will take you right back to the lifestyle lived by the South Sotho’s in the 1600’s, one that’ll take you even further back into the history of this 100 year old village, and it’s only a 45 minute drive from Clarens Eddies to go back in time.
Visit Surrender Hill
10km’s from Clarens is the Anglo-Boer War battlefield at which the Free State Boer commandos finally had to surrender to the well-armed, overwhelming forces of the British. This site is just one of the many in and around Clarens that speak of a rich history and cultural melting pot!
Visit…Lions Rock to give rescued lions the love they deserve, go cherry picking in November, follow in the footsteps of Dinosaurs, watch the history of the San (Bushmen) unfold in rock paintings, hit the Ash River for white water rafting or fly fishing…and that’s not all!
With a superb reputation for hospitality and service, you can be absolutely certain that whatever has been left out here will be on the tip of the tongue for the team at Clarens Eddies!
It’s a sure bet that whatever you do, Clarens is not just a stopover! This is a stop…and stay for as long as possible corner of the beautiful Eastern Free State! Book your accommodation at Clarens Eddies to make sure you know exactly where to go and what to do in Clarens Eddies, straight from the horse’s mouth!