Take the many best restaurants in Clarens, add them to Clarens Eddies, & you have a dream holiday!

21 restaurants, pubs, coffee shops and delis! Hard to believe that one quaint, very picturesque village high up in Eastern Free State can fit that much food into one space that is over a hundred years old, but it’s true!

This is Clarens, a valley that first played home to dinosaurs and then the first human beings, the San hunter gatherers, commonly known as the Bushmen, followed years later by a community of farmers who wanted their own little village and named it after the last refuge of the man who negotiated the Transvaal’s independence under British sovereignty, Paul Kruger.

Twelve years after Paul Kruger became the President of the Transvaal, the Anglo-Boer war broke out, and, as the British forces moved on Pretoria, Paul Kruger was given refuge in Clarens, Switzerland, which is how we ended up with a Clarens in South Africa, named in his honour and as picturesque as the one in which he died.

There are monuments of the Anglo-Boer War that represent the history of this town in the museum, and physical remnants of the battle just outside of Clarens itself, in fact, a monument formally erected to honour ‘burghers’ murdered by the Basotho on the farm ‘Ararat’ outside of Clarens now has a place in the centre of Clarens Village Square.

Clarens may have had a pretty volatile history as sites of both the Anglo-Boer War and the Free State-Basotho War, yet out of all the upheaval was born a town that would become one of the most popular holiday destinations in South Africa for local visitors and those from around the globe.

This may have been the beginning for Clarens, but what has grown out of it all is a vibrant village with restaurants, pubs and coffee shops spilling out onto pavements in the Village Square and along the main street, and you will need a great appetite, with plenty of time, to dive into it all!

Steak, oxtail, pavlova, vegetarian, yummy roasted coffee and deli delights line up alongside traditional Portuguese cuisine, sharing space with pizzas and pastas and a whole lot more besides!  Even for the most dedicated self-caterer, the food concentrated in the restaurants in Clarens Village Square will be too much to resist, but bring your own along anyway to keep up the illusion!

The Clarens Brewery is one of the best loved spots in Clarens, the passion of the team at this brewery has a real mission; before you walk out of their door, you will have been converted and sucked into the wonderful world of craft beer and cider – and their food is every bit as good as the beer and cider they lovingly brew!

Naturally, because the team looking after you at Clarens Eddies are locals, they will do all they can to make sure you have great insider info and happily make the bookings for you, this is what staying at Clarens Eddies is all about; having a team who really do care about their guests and are available 24 hours a day to see that you have everything you need!

Whether you are ready to take to the breath-taking outdoors in Clarens, or to make exploring the many eateries calling your taste buds, the staff at Clarens Eddies will have your back…..and all the information you could possibly need for an incredible holiday!

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